Parish Council Update: Welcoming New Leadership and Faces

We're delighted to announce some exciting changes to the Hanbury Parish Council. Firstly, a warm welcome to our new Chairman, Cllr Jude Harrison. Jude brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the role, and we're confident she'll lead the council with dedication and vision. Alongside Jude, we're pleased to say that Cllr Jenny Hendon has volunteered to remain on the Council as Vice Chair after 3 years as Chair. Jenny's strong leadership skills and commitment to the parish will rema...
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Highways Update – Potholes

Morning Phil Following our recent AGM and Phil Hudsons suggestion to forward a list of roads affected by potholes.I have noted the following . Greaves Lane (off Wood Lane) has numerous deep potholes , too many to report individually. Knightsfield Lane similarly has many potholes particularly at the end of the lane. The Parish Council does recognise the investment made in Hanbury and is very appreciative, however residents do not always see the big picture. The subject was ...
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How to report an incident to Staffordshire Police

Many parishioners have raised concerns about various incidents in Hanburybut haven't know the best way to inform the police of these incidents. It is importantthat each incident is reported as the police cannot build intelligence or acton crimes, they are not aware of. If you access the Staffordshire Police website, contact us page it willguide you as to the best way to report the crime or incident that you aredealing with. This can either be done by calling 999 or 101, submitting arequest onli...
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