Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall at 7.30pm
Monday 16th May 2022
- Election of Chairman & Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
- Election of Vice Chairman & Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
- Apologies for absence.
- Declarations of Interest.
- Chair’s Welcome
- Public Forum
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th March 2022. Available online or by request to clerk
- Matters arising from those minutes.
- Review Planning Applications.
- Receive Borough and County Councillors Reports
- To discuss increase in price for the current grounds maintenance contract in line with inflation
- To look at revising the maintenance contract
- To agree the cost & text for the new sign for the playing field
- To record the monitoring of the village pond levels & agree next steps
- To review & adopt the updated financial regulations
- Annual Governance & Accountability Return
- Clerks Report
- Councillors Reports
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – Monday 16th May 2022
Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Harrison; Cllr Philp; Cllr Tyson, Cllr Iball
Also present C Holmes; 0 Parishioners
- Election of Chairman & Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr Iball proposed Cllr Hendon for Chairman. All in favour
- Election of Vice Chairman & Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr Hendon proposed Cllr Tyson. All in favour
- Apologies for Absence
Cllr Bailey; Cllr White; Cllr Hudson
- Declarations of Interest
Cllr Philp declared an interest in P/2022/00451
- Chair’s Welcome
Cllr Hendon welcomed all to the start of Year 2 of her 3-year tenure with lots of lots going on behind the scenes to record. Cllr Harrison and Cllr Hendon had the honour of attending the mayoral civic reception for Cllr Philip Hudson. The Jubilee Committee have been hard at work preparing for the forthcoming celebrations, 3 Parish Councillors are on the committee representing Hanbury Parish Council.
Cllr Hendon extended thanks to Cllr Bailey and Cllr Philp for agreeing to represent the Parish Council at the Memorial Hall Committee meetings. Both attending the first meeting, they will then alternate to work with the committee.
Cllr Philip White has not held a Zoom meeting with us this month as per the usual format. The main issue of the speed limit reduction has been actioned and is now with Staffordshire Highways to finalise costs and start the consultation process.
Cllr Tyson has been attending the ESBC Parish Council Forum meetings, this responsibility may move to a different councillor in the coming months.
Finally, Cllr Hendon mentioned the huge efforts by many working hard on the playing field, coordinated by Cllr Harrison. This has meant we now have a pretty green field, the timbers and tyres moved into position and all the chain-sawing done. Thanks to Darren Roberts for painting the swings, Steven Hendon for persisting with grass seeding and watering, Bill Philp for his expert earth and timber-moving skills, and Max Higginbottom, who has donated 2 days of Treemendous work to the field. Thanks also to Brian and Barbara Draper for the water supplies and to Ian Garner who continues to cut the pitch every week.
Action; Clerk to ensure booking of new Cllr on ESBC Parish Council Forum meeting
- Public Forum
No public present
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th March 2022
All agreed to be a true record of the meeting
Action; Clerk to convert to upload to website
- Matters arising from those minutes
- Review Planning Applications.
Planning number | Premises | Planning requested | Comments by HPC | Decision |
P/2021/01281 | Eastern & Western Cottages, Wood Lane, Hanbury, Woodend, DE13 8TQ | Change of use of land to form part of domestic curtilage to facilitate the installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of drainage mound | Permits | |
P/2022/00201 | The Woodlands, Wood Lane, Hanbury, Staffordshire, DE13 8TG | Erection of a detached single storey outbuilding to form garage, home office and gym (personal use | Permits | |
P/2022/00311 | Kingstanding Hall, Burton Road, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PE | Erection of two detached outbuildings for storage and home office | New | |
P/2022/00365 | Land at Lancaster Park, Newborough Road, Needwood, Burton Upon Trent, DE13 9PD | Erection of a detached building to form two industrial units (Use Classes B2 and B8) (Revised Scheme | New | |
P/2022/00228 | The Cottage, Fauld Lane, Coton In The Clay, Staffordshire, DE6 5GY | Crown raising of 3 lime trees (T1, T2, and T3) along roadside to statutory clearance over the road of 5.2m and removal of epicormic growth from 7 lime trees (G1 of TPO 48) | New |
P/2022/00451 | Sycamore Farm, Chapel Lane, Hanbury, DE13 8TR | Demolition of part of existing building to facilitate the erection of a part two storey, part single storey front, rear and side extensions, replacement roof to existing dwelling, conversion of existing barn to additional living accommodation and erection of a link extension and demolition of existing barn. | New | |
P/2022/00292 | Cross Plains , Newborough Road, Needwood, Staffordshire | Change of use from agricultural storage building to offices (Class E) with associated alterations, including installation of septic tank and parking provisions | New | |
023829DW | Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – S53 Application – For the addition of a byway open to all traffic | SK 1720 2791, junction of footpath Hanbury 26 and Martin’s Lane to SK 1735 2809, junction of Martin’s Lane and Hanbury Hill – STA-0421 | New | |
P/2022/00473 | Saltbrook Farm, Saltbrook Lane, Coton In The Clay, Staffordshire, DE6 5GY | Erection of a part single and two storey side extension with rear balcony | New | |
P/2022/00311 – No comments to be added from the Cllrs P/2022/00365 – No comments to be added from the Cllrs P/2022/00228 – No comments to be added from the Cllrs P/2022/00451 – No comments to be added from the Cllrs P/2022/00292- No comments to be added from the Cllrs 023829DW – Parish Council would like to object to the application for the addition of a byway open to all traffic in relation to the issues with passing traffic and health & safety P/2022/00473– No comments to be added from the Cllrs |
- Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
Nothing to report.
- To discuss an increase in price for the current ground’s maintenance contract in line with inflation
Parish council have agreed to the 10% uplift proposed by Bloomin Gardens in line with current inflation.
Action: Clerk to inform Bloomin Gardens of the increase.
- To look at revising the maintenance contract and seeing which elements can be managed under a volunteer lengthsman arrangement
A working group was discussed comprising of 2-3 Parish Cllrs and village volunteers looking at the work that needs to be done within the village and how this can be managed going forward.
It was also decided that the current tender document will be revised to ensure the most cost-effective tender process going forward.
Cllr Tyson, Cllr Bailey, Cllr Philp and Cllr Harrison volunteered to represent the parish council in the working party
Action; Cllr Tyson to review the current document. Cllr Harrison to look to recruit for the working party and set some initial dates for a meeting.
- To agree the text and cost of the new sign for the playing field
A new sign for the playing field was discussed. It was agreed for the sign to be A2 size sign and in colour to ensure that it stands out. The wording was agreed with a budget of £40 set for the sign.
Action: Cllr Hendon to finalise the sign and order
- To record the monitoring of the village pond levels and agree next steps
The village pond levels were discussed as well as the potential of changing the liner at the bottom of the pond. Having sought advice from conservationists it was decided not to proceed with the changing of the liner at this time.
- To review and accept the updated financial regulations
The council agreed to adopt the new financial regulations.
Action; Clerk to add to website
- Annual Governance & Accountability Return
16a: Minute to accept in the internal auditor’s report
The internal report was accepted by the council.
16b: Complete the Annual Governance Report
The Annual Governance report was signed by the RFO & Chair
16c: Complete the Accounting Statement for 2021/2022
The Accounting Statement was signed by the RFO & Chair
Cllr Hendon sent huge thanks to Jane Taylor for her work as internal auditor and to the clerk for her efforts.
Action; Clerk to send to Mazars, add to website & noticeboard
- Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes, finance & correspondence
Promotion for the litter pick event taken place
Request to Draycott Parish Council for an increase in their donation. This has been increased to £250 every two years
AGAR completed & Audit undertaken and passed for 2021/2022
Confirmation of continuation of Bloomin Gardens contract until March 2023
Parishioner correspondence regarding the Sudbury Quarry
Correspondence regarding the Restriction of permitted development rights
VAT claim processed and received
Half Precept received
Correspondence – Planting a tree for the Queen’s Jubilee
Action; Clerk to respond to The Queens Green Canopy Project
Clerk to look at booking a playing field inspection
Review budget tracker
Online Payment Number | Supplier | Invoice Detail (Reason for Payment) | Invoice Amount | ||
Net | VAT | Gross | |||
44 | Charlotte Holmes | Clerks Salary – March | £205.63 | £0.00 | £205.63 |
45 | HMRC | HMRC – March | £47.00 | £0.00 | £47.00 |
46 | Charlotte Holmes | Clerks Salary – Apr | £205.63 | £0.00 | £205.63 |
47 | HMRC | HMRC – Apr | £47.00 | £0.00 | £47.00 |
48 | Hanbury Memorial Hall | Hire of Hall -Jan/March/Apr | £99.00 | £99.00 | |
49 | Jenny Hendon | Spray Paint for marking logs | £4.90 | £0.98 | £5.88 |
50 | Charlotte Holmes | Litter Pickers | £14.35 | £2.87 | £17.22 |
51 | Charlotte Holmes | Stationary | £49.46 | £49.46 | |
52 | Charlotte Holmes | Kualo Domain renewal | £8.99 | £1.80 | £10.79 |
53 | Charlotte Holmes | Kualo Website Hosting | £49.90 | £9.98 | £59.88 |
54 | Zurich Insurance | Annual Renewal | £342.49 | £342.49 | |
55 | Fairview Arborist | Phase 2 of the tree survey | £430.00 | £430.00 | |
£1,519.98 |
Bank Balance as of 30th April 2022
Treasurer Account (00198773) | £32,487.64 |
Instant Account (07215991) | £1031.67 |
TOTAL | £33,519.31 |
- Councillors Reports
Cllr Hendon explained that the footpaths still appear to be well maintained and regularly walked. The Memorial will need a spraying with weed killer as some stage. Most urgently is the high nettle growth at the Common over the area by the little ‘bridge’. Ian Garner has kindly agreed to strim this
Playing Field
Whilst all the hard work has been going on preparing the field, the one huge disappointment was the very last-minute rescheduling of the installation of the equipment from Sovereign. Then new installation date is 26th -27th May – JUST in time for the Jubilee Celebrations. Cllr Harrison has agreed to contact Bill Philp again to proceed with getting all the timbers moved into place.
New Z bend sign has now been installed at Blackbrook. Potholes and the general state of the roads around the village are probably as bad as they have ever been, very little activity in recent times. Cllr Tyson encouraged all parishioners to submit fault reports. The link for this can be found on the Parish Council website.
Speed limit implementation is now in progress based on the terms agreed at our last meeting, no indication of when this will be completed due to the regulatory procedures
Cllr Tyson explained that the Closed Churchyard priority 2 work completed on May 3rd. The final phase of the work will be reviewed later in relation to our budget.
Trees on the boundary with the playing field reported to SCC regarding excessive ivy growth. SCC have inspected and agree that this growth can be detrimental to the long term health but not intending any action at present. This has been quite a useful exercise as SCC were very prompt to inspect and does confirm that these are their responsibility.
Lastly Cllr Tyson explained that Septic tank regulations have now been in force for 2+ years with a reminder to residents of the requirements.
Meeting closed at 21.05pm
Date of Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on Monday 11th July 2022
Parish Council Information can be found on the internet at – https;//