Extraordinary Hanbury Parish Council Meeting – Monday 12th December 2022


Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council

Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall at 7.30pm

Monday 12th December 2022

 A G E N D A

  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Chair’s Welcome
  4. *CONFIDENTIAL ITEM* To discuss and appoint Grounds Maintenance Contract for April 2023
  5. To discuss and approve the budget and precept for 2023/2024
  6. Public Forum

Date of Next Meeting – Monday 9th January 2023 Parish Council information can now be found online at – hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk


  Minutes of the Meeting of the Hanbury Parish Council

Monday 12th December 2022

Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Tyson; Cllr Iball; Cllr Harrison; Cllr Bailey
Also present C Holmes; 0 Parishioners

  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr Hudson, Cllr White, Cllr Philp

2. Declarations of Interest


3. Chair’s Welcome

Chair welcomed the councillors and thanked them for attending on such cold night

4. * CONFIDENTIAL ITEM* To discuss and appoint the Grounds Maintenance Contract for April 2023 (Details of this item may be shared once all parties have been made aware of the council’s decision)

It was decided to award the contract to Robert Bates. A thank you would be sent to Bloomin Gardens for all their work over the past 3 years.

Action: Clerk to inform all applicants

5. To discuss and approve the budget and precept for 2023/2024

The budget presented was agreed by all the council.

This will see an increase in the precept of 10% resulting in a precept of £9878 plus the ESBC Grant of £209. Hanbury Parish Councils precept for 2023/2024 will total £10,087.

The council discussed ensuring that they invested the reserve funds in items that are important to the village. This will include looking at possible speed indicating gateway signs and speed watch guns in 2023/2024

Action: Clerk to inform ESBC

  • Public Forum

No public were present.

Meeting Closed: 20.10pm

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:

7.30pm on Monday 9th January 2023

Parish Council Information can be found on the internet at – https;//www.hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk