Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall at 7.30pm.
Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be served
Monday 17th April 2023
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 11th April 2022
- Matters Arising from the Minutes.
- Chairman’s Report.
- Annual Accounts: Unaudited Balance Sheet.
- Reports from Borough & County Councillors.
NB The first part of this agenda is expected to take no more than 20-30 minutes leaving most of the time available for Item 7.
- Parishioners Open Forum
This is the most important part of the meeting and amongst other matters you may wish to discuss, we will be requesting your feedback on the proposed speed limit reduction, future cost pressures and how to manage them.
Councillors are keen to seek views on the matter of the siting of the Coronation Commemorative Bench at the Village Green and changes to the perimeter fence.
Date of Annual Meeting of the Parish Council –Monday 15th May 2023
This next Parish Council meeting will be – Monday 10th July 2023
Parish Council information can be found online at –
Minutes – DRAFT
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting for Hanbury Parish Council – Monday 17th April 2023
Councillors Cllr Hendon; Cllr Tyson; Cllr Gregson; Cllr Bailey; Cllr Philp; Cllr Iball;
Also present: Cllr Hudson; C Holmes; 4 Parishioners
- Apologies for absence
Cllr White; Cllr Harrison
- Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 11th April 2022
All agreed to be a true record of the meeting.
Action; Clerk to convert to upload to website.
- Matters arising from those minutes.
- Chair’s Report
The Chair welcomed those parishioners that have attended the meeting. The Parish Council met 8 times in total during the year. Six of the meetings were the bi-monthly meetings of the council (including the Annual General Meeting), the Annual Parish Meeting in April and one extraordinary meeting in December specifically to discuss and approve the 2023-24 budget. All meetings are held in public, and parishioners are actively encouraged to attend, in particular the Annual Parish meeting which sets the agenda for the year ahead. Typically, only one or two members of the public attend our regular meetings however we are delighted that more came along to Annual Parish Meeting to put forward their priorities for the year. Most markedly for 2022-23, was the importance attached to the reduction of the speed limit from 60 down to 30 throughout the village, more of which later.
There are no changes to report as to make up of the Council during the year.
The highlight of 2022 was surely the celebration of our dear late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. This happily coincided with the completion of the playing field rejuvenation, and, despite the inclement weather, a fun-packed afternoon of games and races took place on the field, followed by a dryer and warmer, wonderful celebration tea in the Village Hall. Huge thanks must go to the Jubilee working group which did such an amazing job.
Sadder times so few months later when we heard in September of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The set protocol on such occasions was followed with appropriate announcements published and a book of condolence placed in the church. This book was subsequently sent to the Palace along with a letter of Condolence from the Parish Council on behalf of the village.
Simultaneously, the Council posted pronouncements as required by statute about the Ascension of King Charles III.
Maintenance of parish facilities remains the most important part of the Council’s functions. Managing this within ever tighter budget constraints and increased costs has proved extremely challenging and we remain hugely grateful to all the villagers who do sterling work at the playing field, Common and generally undertake lengthsman style duties such as keeping signs clear, footpaths accessible and the village tidy.
What a shame all these efforts are undermined by the small minority of dogwalkers who allow their dogs to foul our wonderful green spaces and pathways.
After many years of sterling service on the village green, closed churchyard and playing field, we have unfortunately had to say goodbye to our ground’s maintenance contractor, Bloomin Gardens due to renewal quotes which were beyond the affordability of the Parish Council’s means. We are however delighted to welcome Roberts Bates of RB Landscaping in Hilton as our new contractor. Also, this year we have been able to relinquish the lengthsman cost by undertaking much of the work with volunteers and we therefore also need to thank Max Higginbottom of Treemendous Estate Care who has served the village so well for so long.
Another significant responsibility we have with our facilities is the management of the trees. These are surveyed regularly throughout the year and professionally on a bi-annual basis with recommended remedial works carried out accordingly.
The village green was cleared in the Autumn last year and a new pond liner installed to replace the old one because of concerns it had deteriorated and hence through leakage had dried up more than usual in hot weather potentially posing a risk to the wildlife that lives in it. It is important to note that this is a manmade pond and so relies on rainfall to keep it topped up – in drier weather evaporation is inevitable and the pond level will fluctuate. We are hugely grateful to the East Staffordshire Community Fund and Townlands Charity who funded this work and most especially to Burton Conservation Volunteers who undertook it all. The pond will soon ‘green -up’ again as the plant life re-establishes itself.
The speed limit reduction through much of the village has been progressing frustratingly slowly since it was approved in Spring 2022. £10,000 of Parish reserves have been pledged to support the project but increasing contractor costs had threatened to de-rail it. Thankfully our County Councillor, Phil White fought hard on our behalf and the green light has now been given to carry on with a completion estimate of Autumn this year. Simultaneously we hope to install village gateway signs, speed indicator devices and more if we are able to secure sufficient funding. We also have the full support of our Borough Councillor, Phil Hudson who has signposted the Council to several possible funding options.
The scourge of potholes throughout the country has not passed Hanbury by and Cllr Tyson has fought and fought to get better quality improvements made to our roads. Please continue to report potholes on the Staffordshire County Council website however we seem to have a small light shining at the end of the tunnel with significant repairs carried out recently on several roads in the village in preparation for a full resurface in the Autumn.
Jenny Hendon, Chair Hanbury Parish Council, April 2023
- Annual Accounts: Unaudited Balance Sheet
Precept for 2022/2023 was £8980 with a grant from ESBC of £209
The parish council has once again done incredibly well in receiving both grants and generous donations from parishioners which have gone towards the rejuvenation of the pond as well as the mugs for the upcoming coronation event.
A grant from Townslands of £250 was also given for the defib and a further bi-annual contribution from Draycott Parish Council was given for the upkeep of the church yard.
The total income for 2022/2023 was £13,961.70.
Some great work has been done this year to ensure that we remain within our budget areas. Savings have been made on our lengthsman costs and printing/stationary costs have been reduced by trying to keep things as digital as possible.
We have seen a reduction in our training costs but with the introduction of a new councillor this should rise in the coming year.
The overspends have only been seen on clerks’ salary and on the hire of the hall, something which has been rectified for the coming year.
The budget for 2023/2024 has seen the council make a 10% increase to try and correctly accommodate the rising cost of inflation.
The expenditure for the year 2022/2023 was £13,457.31.
- Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
Councillor Philip Hudson
Cllr Hudson explained that the County Council have had an extra 4.5 million pounds with half of that going to resurfacing and the other half going to local communities for highways work with guidance from the councillors. Cllr Hudson went on to recognise the issue with the potholes, explaining that it can take a little time, but it will get better.
A thank you from Cllr Hudson was given to the councillors for the support during his 4 years in Crown Ward. He went on to give a further thanks to Cllr Iball who is stepping down from Hanbury Parish Council in May.
Cllr Hudson discussed the upcoming village enhancement scheme, explaining that throughout 2022/2023 he has supported Hanbury Parish Council with a range of projects and will continue to do so.
Cllr Hendon thanked Cllr Hudson for all his help and support.
- Parishioners Open Forum
A parishioner asked a question regarding the village enhancement scheme wanting to understand the criteria. Cllr Hudson explained that it is for anything that will enhance the village life, with a minimum of £16,000 per grant.
Enforcing the speed limit and enforcement in general was raised with the dog mess issue being discussed further.
Cllr Hudson explained that one of his pledges is anti-social behaviour with more enforcement being integral to this. This will hopefully come with a further look into rural policing.
A parishioner questioned whether the resurfacing work on Anslow Road had been completed or if the remainder of the Anslow Road work was still outstanding’.
Cllr Tyson said his understanding was the extent of the work was from Martins Lane to the Belmont crossroads. He undertook to clarify the position with Staffordshire County Council and notify the parishioner.
Consultation process for the speed limit reduction was discussed with the expectation that parishioners effected receive a letter and drawings.
A parishioner raised the defib training with Cllr Gregson explaining that this is looking to take place throughout the summer.
- Any Other Business
Cllr Hendon discussed the Coronation Mugs which have now been ordered and are available at £5 for adults with all children under 17 getting a mug free of charge.
The Coronation Bench was discussed with its location being suggested as being at the village green. Cllr Hendon wanted to ensure that the village was consulted with all parishioners agreeing that it was a good idea.
The fence surrounding the pond was also discussed and whether it is needed. It was decided that the chain link would be removed, and the fence repaired to allow for a more inviting access. The wildflowers and strimming around this area will be reviewed as we go along. The funding for this work will come from the parishioner donation for the coronation project.
Cllr Hendon discussed the upcoming Litter Pick with a call for parishioners to get involved in the big help out even if it isn’t on the 8th May.
Cllr Philps raised a broken style that had been mentioned to her by walkers.
Lastly, Cllr Hendon discussed the upcoming vacancy as Cllr Iball will be stepping down from the council with a huge thank you being passed on to him for all his hard work for Hanbury Parish Council over the years.
Meeting closed at 20.40pm
Date of Annual Meeting of the Parish Council: 7.30pm on Monday 15th May 2023
Parish Council Information can be found on the internet at – https;//