- Apologies for absence.
- Declarations of Interest
- Chair’s Welcome
- Public Forum
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 11th July 2022 Available online or by request to clerk
- Matters arising from those minutes
- Review Planning Applications.
- Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
- To review and approve the updated Code of Conduct
- To review and approve the updated Publication Scheme
- To review the revised maintenance contract
- To review the costings obtained for a proposed village gateway sign
- To approve maintenance for the village pond
- Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes & finance & correspondence received
- Councillors Reports
Date of Next Meeting –14th November 2022
Parish Council information can now be found online at –
Minutes of the Meeting of the Hanbury Parish Council – Monday 12th September 2022
Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Tyson; Cllr Iball; Cllr Philp; Cllr Harrison; Cllr Bailey
Also present C Holmes; 0 Parishioners
A two-minute silence was held for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- Apologies for absence
Cllr White; Cllr Hudson
- Declarations of Interest
- Chair’s Welcome
The Chair explained that the Parish Council decided to go ahead with the meeting this evening as guidance from the National Association of Local Councils confirmed that the meeting would be compliant due to the agenda being published three clear days before the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
The Chair wanted to respectfully remember Her Majesty and highlighted her visit to Hanbury parish several years ago.
Sadness was expressed and condolences offered to the Royal Family at this difficult time. It was explained that a book of condolence has been placed by the parish council in the Church of St Werburgh until after the mourning period. This, along with a formal letter of condolence from the Parish Council will then be sent to Buckingham Palace.
Lastly, the Chair explained The Proclamation of King Charles III has been placed on both the Hanbury noticeboard and the Hanbury Parish Council website.
- Public Forum
No public were present.
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 11th July 2022
All agreed to be a true record of the meeting
Action: Clerk to convert to upload to website
- Matters arising from those minutes
Minute Ref 110722:3 – SPCA Dementia Friendly survey not completed
Action: Clerk to resend NALC Dementia Friendly survey to Cllr Gregson
- Review Planning Applications.
Planning number | Premises | Planning requested | Comments by HPC | Decision |
P/2022/00311 | Kingstanding Hall, Burton Road, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PE | Erection of two detached outbuildings for storage and home office | No comments were added by the council | Registered |
P/2022/00451 | Sycamore Farm, Chapel Lane, Hanbury, DE13 8TR | Demolition of part of existing building to facilitate the erection of a part two storey, part single storey front, rear and side extensions, replacement roof to existing dwelling, conversion of existing barn to additional living accommodation and erection of a link extension and demolition of existing barn. | No comments were added by the council | Registered |
P/2022/00292 | Cross Plains , Newborough Road, Needwood, Staffordshire | Change of use from agricultural storage building to offices (Class E) with associated alterations, including installation of septic tank and parking provisions | No comments were added by the council | Registered |
P/2021/01381 | 3 Fauld Lane, Coton In The Clay, DE6 5GY | Fast track Appeal against the Refusal of planning Permission for the erection of a detached garage/workshop at the front of the property | No comments were added by the council | Dismissed |
P/2022/00480 | Ye Olde Blackbrook Farm, Anslow Road, Hanbury, Staffordshire, DE13 8TX | Erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions | No comments were added by the council | Permits |
P/2022/00946 | 3 Fauld House Farm, Fauld Lane, Fauld, Staffordshire, DE13 9GT | Change of use from paddock to a private garden to 3 Fauld House Farm and the erection of a detached outbuilding | New | |
P/2022/00946 – No comments were added by the council Action: Clerk to add comments to ESBC Planning Portal |
- Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
Cllr Hendon passed on an invitation to the Mayors Charity Ball to the councillors and any guests from Cllr Hudson.
Cllr Hendon and Cllr Tyson attended a zoom meeting with Cllr White prior to the meeting.
Cllr White discussed the speed limit reduction explaining that he anticipated technical drawings for the signs should be received by Amey shortly.
The next stage will then be the consultation process, which is in three stages and should start in September. The completion date depends on whether any significant objections are raised and Cllr White’s earliest guess if all goes smoothly is end October. This will then be followed by placing orders for signage and programming the work. The most realistic estimate for completion is Winter or early Spring, the latter probably most likely. A timetable of events from the consultation process has been requested.
- To review the updated Code of Conduct
The code of conduct was approved an adopted
Action; Clerk to add to website
- To review the updated Publication Scheme
The publication scheme was approved an adopted
Action; Clerk to add to website
- To review the revised maintenance contract
Cllr Tyson reviewed all the adaptations that have been made within the new ground’s maintenance contract.
It was decided to proceed with advertising for the tender contract with submissions to be in by 14th November 2022 for the April 2023 contract. Please contact the clerk for further details.
Action: Cllr Tyson to adapt contract to include both the removing and dropping of the grass cuttings
Clerk to advertise from 1st October 2022
- To review the costings obtained for a proposed village gateway sign
It was decided that this item would be postponed until the change of speed limit had taken place.
- To approve maintenance for the village pond
Cllr Hendon discussed a meeting that has taken place with herself, Cllr Tyson, and Conservationist Lawrence Oates about the pond. From advice given by Mr Oates, it was decided to create a smaller, middle pond by damming up the two ends and lining just this middle section. This will create an affordable and sustainable habitat for both plant and wildlife, in particular to support the Great Crested Newts.
Splitting the pond by leaving the areas at the sides to be wetlands and adding carpet and a liner to the middle section should ensure that water is present all year round albeit, as there is no water source other than rainfall, there will still be a fluctuation in levels as water evaporates.
Cllr Hendon discussed approaching CCF funding for the liner and Townlands for the labour involved.
It was agreed to proceed with the maintenance work.
Action: Clerk to prepare document for CCF Funding
Cllr Hendon to discuss at upcoming Townlands Meeting
- Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes & finance & correspondence received
Operation London Bridge executed
Playing Field information added to Asset Register
Letter sent regarding hedges
Gateway sign costings undertaken
Contacted SPCA regarding lengthsman advice
Playground Inspection instruction sent
Weeds around bus shelter reported on MyStaffs App
Defib pads purchased for Far Fillimore
The Cock Defib reported as out of service
Code of Conduct & Publication Scheme reviewed
Correspondence – Regarding PLANNING APPLICATION NO. SCC/22/0094/GPDO-PWA for Application for prior written approval in accordance with Part 17 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development Order) 2015 relating to the re-cladding of the eastern covered stockpile canopy at British Gypsum, Fauld Mine, Burton-on-Trent, DE13 9HT.
Correspondence – Regarding dog bag dispenser initiative
Correspondence – Regarding Option to opt out of the SAAA central external auditor appointment arrangements
Correspondence – Regarding Draft Housing Choice SPD Consultation 2022
Review budget tracker
Online Payment Number | Supplier | Invoice Detail (Reason for Payment) | Invoice Amount | ||
Net | VAT | Gross | |||
62 | Charlotte Holmes | Clerks Salary – July | £224.48 | £0.00 | £224.48 |
63 | HMRC | HMRC – July | £47.00 | £0.00 | £47.00 |
64 | Charlotte Holmes | Clerks Salary – August | £224.48 | £0.00 | £224.48 |
65 | HMRC | HMRC – August | £47.00 | £0.00 | £47.00 |
66 | Charlotte Holmes | Wel Medical Defib Pads | £39.95 | £7.99 | £47.94 |
67 | CPRE Staffs | Neighbourhood Planning | £10.00 | £0.00 | £10.00 |
68 | Charlotte Holmes | Book of Condolence | £34.95 | £0.00 | £34.95 |
69 | Memorial Hall | Hire of Hall – May & June | £50.00 | £50.00 | |
£685.85 |
Bank Balance as of 31st August 2022
Treasurer Account (00198773) | £25,150.98 |
Instant Account (07215991) | £1031.73 |
TOTAL | £26,182.71 |
- Councillors Reports
Cllr Hendon discussed the safety of the playing fields, in particular the logs that are currently not settled in. It was suggested that parishioner would be welcome to have them as firewood should they be able to remove them.
Cllr Tyson mentioned the response from the planning department regarding Staffordshire Highways involvement in planning decisions. It was decided to ensure that any Highways issues that are presented in planning applications going forward are highlighted by the parish council to be looked at specifically by the Highways department.
Cllr Tyson discussed the closed churchyard and the routine inspection that was carried out in August. It was noted that no work had yet been completed on the Cherry Tree, the roots of which are causing issues with the Church Floor.
Cllr Tyson explained that the yew tree is a matter of ongoing concern, a large branch has fallen off and appears to be dead or rotten. It was suggested that further advice may be needed on this going forward.
Cllr Harrison discussed meeting the Gardening Club on 5th Oct to review the planting of a tree in honour of the Queens Jubilee.
A discussion was had regarding an overgrown hedge on Martins Lane. It was decided to write to the parishioner and ask for the hedge to be cut now that nesting season is at an end.
Cllr Iball raised the bench on Martins Lane that is currently broken.
Cllr Bailey attended the village hall meeting with discussion undertaken regarding potential increases in costs due to energy prices. It was noted the Hall Dinner will be going ahead in November.
Lastly, Cllr Bailey raised the issue of incorrect meeting dates being printed in the Parish Magazine.
Action: Cllr Harrison to contact parishioners regarding log removal.
Clerk to write to parishioner regarding cutting of hedges.
Clerk to review the parish magazine meeting dates
Meeting Closed: 21.05pm
Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on Monday 14th November 2022
Parish Council Information can be found on the internet at – https;//