Hanbury Parish Council Meeting – Monday 13th March 2023


Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall at 7.30pm

Monday 13th March 2023

 A G E N D A

  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Chair’s Welcome
  4. Public Forum
  5. Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th January 2023. Available online or by request to clerk
  6. Matters arising from those minutes
  7. Review Planning Applications.
  8. Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
  9. To review and discuss the upcoming parish council elections
  10.  To discuss and agree plans for King’s Coronation weekend and commemorative items
  11. To agree content of HPC newsletter for circulation to all parishioners
  12. To review and approve the asset register 2022
  13. Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes & finance & correspondence received
  14. Councillors Reports: to include update on speed limit reduction

Date of Annual Parish Meeting –17th April 2023

Date of Next Parish Council Meeting – 15th May 2023

Parish Council information can now be found online at – hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk


  Minutes of the Meeting of the Hanbury Parish CouncilMonday 13th March 2023

Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Tyson; Cllr Iball; Cllr Harrison; Cllr Bailey; Cllr Philp
Also present C Holmes; Cllr Hudson; 2 Parishioners

  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr White

  • Declarations of Interest


  • Chair’s Welcome

The Chair welcomed the parishioners to the meeting. A thanks was sent to the Burton Conservation Volunteers for the further remedial works completed on the pond.

The Chair explained that a discussion has taken place with the Village Hall committee regarding the increase in the price of the hall hire, this has since been reviewed and it was agreed that the calculation was incorrect. A new invoice will be issued.

The Chair went on to explain that a notice of election will be put up on the noticeboard and the website on the 27th March. This will result in a vacancy as Cllr Iball will sadly be leaving the parish council. Should you be interested in joining the parish council please contact the clerk on hanburyparishcouncil@live.co.uk for more information.

Lastly, the Chair highlighted that the Annual Parish Meeting will be taking place on April 17th, hot drinks and biscuits will be provided.

  • Public Forum

No parishioner comments.

  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th January 2023

All agreed to be a true record of the meeting.

Action: Clerk to convert to upload to website

  • Matters arising from those minutes

Cllr Hendon raised that a response has been received from Cllr White regarding his attendance at the parish council meetings. Whilst he is still unable to attend he will continue to offer updates via zoom meetings and is available to help with any issues that the council may have.

  • Review Planning Applications.
Planning numberPremisesPlanning requestedComments by HPCDecision
P/2022/00451Sycamore Farm, Chapel Lane, Hanbury, DE13 8TRDemolition of part of existing building to facilitate the erection of a part two storey, part single storey front, rear and side extensions, replacement roof to existing dwelling, conversion of existing barn to additional living accommodation and erection of a link extension and demolition of existing barn.             Registered
P/2022/01120Saltbrook Meadow Farm, Saltbrook Lane, Coton In The Clay, Staffordshire, DE6 5GYChange of use from Class C3 dwellinghouse to form a small-scale childrens care home Class C2         Registered
P/2022/01110Saltbrook Farm, Saltbrook Lane, Coton In The Clay, Staffordshire, DE6 5GYErection of a two storey side and rear extension         Registered
P/2022/01005Kingstanding Hall, Burton Road, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PEAppeal against the refusal of planning permission for the erection of a detached building to provide covered electric vehicle charging bays and a bin store to serve units 7 to 11 Kingstanding Hall       New
P/2022/01005 – The Parish Council had no objections or comments   Action; Clerk to add comments
  • Receive Borough and County Councillors reports

Cllr White attended a meeting with Cllr Tyson via zoom. He explained that the speed limit progress has been delayed due to changes in the specification and associated cost implications. These issues have now been resolved however and the project has now been signed off by Phil White and Statutory consultation is commencing on w/c 13th March for 3 weeks. The Parish Council will be emailing in support of the proposed changes. Assuming there are no objections to the TRO (Traffic regulation order) then work on site is scheduled to commence w/c 14th August.

Cllr Hendon discussed the previously discussed gateway signs with the possibly of this work being undertaken at the same time as the speed signs are fitted. Cllr Tyson will discuss this with Lisa Hall from Staffs County Council.

Road closures in Hanbury for pre patching work which were detailed at our last meeting and were also included in the Parish magazine, were discussed. The repairs will need to be fully cured before they can be resurfaced. This is weather dependant so hopefully will be August 2023 but could roll on to Spring 2024. Cllr White explained that the council have secured another 30 million in funding to ensure roads throughout the County are resurfaced.

Lastly, Cllr White explained that the government funding is better than in previous years, but the Borough Council will be expected to take an increasing responsibility for social care. It was also confirmed that Council Tax increase will be 4.99%

Cllr Hudson thanked the Cllrs for their hard work explaining that they are volunteers and they have done some great work. Cllr Hudson will continue to stand for election.

It was explained that the Community Fund going up to £1500 per councillor for 2023-2024 budget and some help may be able to be offered to support the upcoming traffic calming measures.

The village enhancement fund was also discussed as a possible grant option to support the previously discussed gateway signs. This fund offers grants between £16,000 and £100,000 so alongside the gateway signs it may be possible to include Speed Indication Devices (SIDs) or Speed Guns.

Lastly Cllr Hudson mentioned potential grants available from the East Staffs Sports Association. He encouraged local sports clubs to apply for a grant for new equipment or repairs. The grant doesn’t include kit but can be used for equipment and  obtained up to the value of £1000. Should you be interested please inform the clerk on hanburyparishcouncil@live.co.uk and your interest will be forwarded to Cllr Hudson.

Action: Clerk to contact Amey sending support of the speed limit changes; Cllr Tyson to contact Lisa Hall regarding the gateway signs; Clerk to price up gateway signs with gates, SIDs, Speed Guns, Crocodile teeth and Speed limits in the road. Councillor Philp to mention to the Bowls Club

  • To review and discuss the upcoming parish council election

The clerk discussed the election process. Should you require any more information please contact the clerk on hanburyparishcouncil@live.co.uk

Action: Clerk to undertake all election procedure.

  1. To discuss and agree plans for King’s Coronation weekend and commemorative items.

Cllr Hendon explained that the £2500 donation received for the Parish Council will be going towards a commemorative bench and coronation mugs for the children of the parish. It was discussed that the bench will be placed at the pond, replacing the damaged one that is currently there.

Cllr Hendon went on to explain that a coronation event will be taking place at the Cricket Club with a cricket match, games and a free BBQ, once again utilising the parishioner donation.

Cllr Hendon raised the possibility of a further village clean up and litter pick as part of The Big Help Out event taking place for the Kings Coronation on Monday 8th May. This was agreed and will be advertised.

Action: Clerk to order the commemorative bench; Cllr Hendon to order the coronation mugs

  1. To agreed the content of the HPC Newsletter for circulation to all parishioners

The content of the HPC newsletter was agreed with Cllr Philp responsible for the printing. All Cllrs agreed to posting throughout the village.

  1. To review and approve the asset register 2022

The asset register was reviewed and approved.

Action: Clerk to upload to the website

  1. Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes & finance & correspondence received

Fly Tipping Issue resolved

Annual Litter Pick Poster created

Dog Fouling Sign Placed on the noticeboard

Meeting organised and attended with Cllr White

AGAR booked in with auditor

Election training attended by SPCA and ESBC

Asset Register Reviewed

Prices gathered for commemorative benches

Clerk storage Unit request

Parishioner correspondence regarding the cutting of a hedge

PCSO correspondence

Consultation Order received for the speed limit reduction

ESBC Community Fund received


Review budget tracker

Online Payment NumberDateSupplierInvoice Detail (Reason for Payment) Invoice Amount
8626/01/2023BKVPond Regeneration£500.00£0.00£500.00
8713/03/2023Charlotte HolmesClerks Salary – Jan£237.95£0.00£237.95
8813/03/2023HMRCHMRC – Jan£55.20£0.00£55.20
8913/03/2023Charlotte HolmesClerks Salary – Feb£237.95£0.00£237.95
9013/03/2023HMRCHMRC – Feb£55.20£0.00£55.20
9113/03/2023Emily GregsonDefib Pads£59.95£11.99£71.94

Bank Balance as of 28th February 2023

Treasurer  Account (00198773)£24,715.48
Instant Account (07215991)£1.031.92
  1. Councillors Reports

A suggestion of defibrillator training was raised. It was agreed to review this and for Cllr Gregson to organise some appropriate dates.

Cllr Tyson discussed the meeting he attended regarding the boundary changes. The Boundary Commission is a politically independent body and is charged with carrying out reviews every 5 years. Areas for review are selected by counties having the largest variance in electorate per councillor. South Staffordshire is currently under review and the aim is to recommend ward boundaries that mean each councillor represents approximately the same number of voters. The review proposals are due to be announced later this year followed by a consultation process and then implementation.

Cllr Tyson was approached by a parishioner to ask if the parish council could help with an abandoned car in the Church Lane parking area. The car belongs to a parishioner who passed away in 2021 with no relatives or next of kin. Cllr Hudson has now taken up the case and is chasing the matter.

Cllr Tyson undertook the 3 monthly inspection of the Closed Churchyard in February with no noticeable change in condition of trees. The wall bordering Church Lane, although in a poor state does not appear to have got worse over the last 12 months. However, the rear wall between the open and closed churchyards is very much a cause for concern.

Lastly, Cllr Tyson discussed the new grounds maintenance contract which commences on 1st April. Contractor is Mr Robert Bates based in Hilton.

An enquiry from a parishioner has been received concerning the cutting of the Yew hedge at the Lychgate entrance which should have been carried out around October 2022 by the previous grounds maintenance company. This will now be included as additional work under the new contract but due to recommendations that hedge cutting is suspended due to nesting season so this work may not be able to be carried out until the end of the year.

Cllr Hendon raised the issue of rotten fence posts surrounding the pond and suggested that we would need 10 new timbers.

Cllr Hendon explained that the path by the crater and the path from Fauld mine have now been cleared by the MOD. They have done a great job and ensured that the Memorial is cleared and weeded. The only path that has become overgrown is the steps down towards Fauld Mine. It was agreed for Cllr Philp to ask for support from British Gyspum to cut back and repair the steps.

Cllr Philp raised the issue once again of dog poo left on the roads and pathways. It was agreed that posters have been put up, an article has been put in the parish magazine and ample bins are provided.

Lastly, Cllr Bailey attended the Village Hall committee meeting, explaining that in recent weeks the chairman, treasurer and secretary have left. The issue of a missing bin was discussed, and it was agreed that the clerk would contact ESBC Open Spaces to look at a replacement.

Action: Cllr Gregson to organise defib training; Clerk to ask Robert Bates to undertake the hedge cutting at an appropriate time. Clerk to contact RP George regarding timbers, metal brackets and galvanised nails; Cllr Philp to contact British Gypsum regarding the pathways; Clerk to contact ESBC Open Spaces.

Meeting Closed: 9.05pm

Date of Annual Parish Meeting –17th April 2023

Date of Next Parish Council Meeting – 15th May 2023

Parish Council Information can be found on the internet at – https;//www.hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk