Hanbury Parish Council Meeting – Monday 14th March 2022

Parish Clerk: Charlotte Holmes

Email: hanburyparishcouncil@live.co.uk


Parish Council Meeting

Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall at 7.30pm

View Agenda
  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Chair’s Welcome
  4. Public Forum
  5. Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 17th January 2022. Available online or by request to clerk
  6. Matters arising from those minutes
  7. Review Planning Applications.
  8. Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
  9. Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes & finance & correspondence received
  10. Review and Finalise the 2022/2023 Budget
  11. Review and decide on Grounds Maintenance tender
  12. To review plans for the Annual Parish Meeting
  13. To review and decide on purchases for the litter picking event
  14. To discuss potential signs to deter the blocking of walkways by parked cars
  15. To discuss and decide on a potential donation for the Queen’s Jubilee committee
  16. To discuss and approve the 2021/2022 National Salary Award
  17. Councillors Reports

Date of Next Meeting –11th April 2022

Parish Council information can now be found online at – hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk


Minutes of the Meeting of the Hanbury Parish Council – Monday 14th March 2022

Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Harrison; Cllr Bailey; Cllr Philp
Also present C Holmes; Cllr Hudson; 0 Parishioners

  1. Apologies for absence
    Cllr Tyson, Cllr Iball; Cllr White
  • Declarations of Interest
  • Chair’s Welcome

The Chair expressed that whilst it was a busy agenda the meeting should be kept timely and informative. Thanks were extended to all Cllrs and local villagers for all the hard work over the previous weekends clearing both moss and debris off the footpaths. Work has also been completed on the playing field allowing the sewing of grass seeds to take place. A further thank you was offered to those who distributed leaflets throughout the village highlighting the upcoming events of Hanbury Parish Council and The Queen’s Jubilee. The Chairman expressed gratitude to both Colin & Linda Redfern for the beautiful flowers leading in to the village

Lastly, the Chair highlighted the Staffordshire Arts project. This project allows you to draw your favourite outdoor spot in Staffordshire and have your artwork featured in the Big Staffordshire Day Art Expo as part of Staffordshire Day. The drawings will be blown up and placed across Staffordshire on lampposts, bus stops and other places across the county to celebrate our great outdoors. More information can be found on our website.

Action; Clerk to add Staffordshire Arts Project information to the website and ask to be put on Facebook

  • Public Forum

No public present

  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 17th January 2022
    All agreed to be a true record of the meeting

Action; Clerk to convert to upload to website

  • Matters arising from those minutes
  • Review Planning Applications.
Planning numberPremisesPlanning requestedComments by HPCDecision
P/2021/00703Fauld Mine, TutburyRetrospective application for an internal access road and additional car parking No Objection
P/2021/00641Land off Oakfields Road, Hanbury, Staffordshire, DE13 8TPReserved Matters application relating to P/2018/01265 for the erection of a detached dwelling including details of access, appearance, layout and scale Approved
DX 712 320 Confirmation of Public Path Diversion Order in respect of Public Bridleway No12 Hanbury Parish Closed
P/2021/01102 Consultation – Planning application No. SCC/21/0016/PNOPD for Prior Notification of the proposed demolition of the ‘ablutions’ building, Fauld Mine Tutbury Staffordshire No Objection
P/2021/013813 Fauld Lane, Coton In The Clay, DE6 5GYErection of a detached garage/workshop at the front of the property REFUSES
P/2021/01544Land to the west of the drive to, Kingstanding Hall, Burton Road, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PEChange of use to equestrian and creation of a manage for private us   PERMITS
P/2021/01620Cock Inn, Hanbury Hill, Hanbury, DE13 8TDRetention of land used as a camping field, toilet and shower block (REVISED SCHEME)Objection submitted      Withdrawn
P/2021/01281Eastern & Western Cottages, Wood Lane, Hanbury, Woodend, DE13 8TQChange of use of land to form part of domestic curtilage to facilitate the installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of drainage mound NEW
P/2022/00201The Woodlands, Wood Lane, Hanbury, Staffordshire, DE13 8TGErection of a detached single storey outbuilding to form garage, home office and gym (personal use)     NEW

P/2021/01281 – No comments to be added by the Parish Council

P/2022/00201 – No Comments to be added by the Parish Council

Action; Clerk to update comments to the ESBC Planning Portal

  • Receive Borough and County Councillors reports

Cllr Hudson explained that it is currently a busy time as the Town Deal in relation to Burton Library and the Market Hall was rejected with 19 votes to 20. The new proposal is for the library  to stay where it is but will be moved to one floor only with offices on the second floor. ESBC will be paying for the library to be renovated on the outside in line with the modernisation for the waterfront project. From this the Market Hall to be removed from the Town Deal altogether; discussions will be undertaken as to what this will then become within the corporate plan.

A new meeting is now set to allow Cllrs to vote for a new leader of the council after his recent resignation. This meeting will also set the upcoming budget and elect a new mayor.  

Lastly, Cllr Hudson mentioned the consultation period for the Derbyshire Minerals Local Plan and raised concern alongside Cllr Hendon in relation to heavy goods vehicles and traffic rerouting vehicles on the A515

A pre-meeting with Cllr White could not be arranged but a meeting is in the diary for 28th March in order to discuss the changing speed limits within the village. Cllr White pledged full support for the changing of the speed limits and talks in relation to the budget are still ongoing with Staffordshire County Council and another Parish Council. The outcome of this meeting will hopefully finalise the breakdown of costs and establish how the contributions to the cost will be split.

  • Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes, finance & correspondence

All correspondence regarding planning application P/2021/01620 sent to Cllr Hudson

Newsletter content created

Auditor for 2021/2022 AGAR appointed

Article in March & April Parish Magazine

Rough costing obtained for Horse & Rider signs with further clarification sought from Lisa Hall

Information submitted regarding Public Protection Order

Tender contract prepared & sent to prospective companies

Costing obtained for signage for the blocking of walkways

Register of Interests sent to ESBC for Cllr Philp

Defibrillator’s registered with The Circuit

Parishioner Correspondence – Discussing the untidiness of the paths within the churchyard and ‘closed’ area of the churchyard. This has been flagged in relation to the upcoming tender process

Parishioner Correspondence – Reporting a bin that had been set on fire on the common and dealt with by ESBC. Thanks sent to the open spaces team.

Parishioner Correspondence – A request for potential horse & rider signs now that the Highway Code has changed in relation to horse riders on the road. Prices for potential signs obtained. See point 17

Parishioner Correspondence – Request for information on who owns a plot of land before a house purchase takes place. Parishioner passed on to SCC as they own the land in question

Parishioner Correspondence – Request for information on the whereabouts of a Hanbury resident. Parishioner referred to Facebook for the enquiry

Parishioner Correspondence – Parishioner reporting a fallen tree & the moss, weeds and brambles that are on the pavements on Church Lane, Martins Lane and Anslow Road. Tree reported to SCC and working party of volunteers set up to execute cleaning of the pathways.

Correspondence – Information regarding the next stage of the Derbyshire & Derby Mineral Local Plan. The document can be requested from the clerk or by visiting www.derbyshire.gov.uk/mineralslocalplan. Comments can be submitted using this link also and the closing date for comments is Friday 29th April. Drop in sessions are being held for questions with the closest being

Foston & Scropton Village Hall, Wednesday 6 April 2022, 2.30pm – 6.30pm

Parishioner Correspondence – Parishioner asking for an update on the signs to prevent cars parking for events at the church blocking walkways. See point 17

Parishioner Correspondence – Regarding the Methodist Church and a potential burial plot.

Action; Clerk to resend out information to Cllrs regarding Derbyshire & Derby Mineral Local Plan


Review budget tracker

Online Payment NumberSupplierInvoice Detail (Reason for Payment) Invoice Amount
36Charlotte HolmesClerks Salary – Nov£205.63£0.00£205.63
37HMRCHMRC – Nov£47.00£0.00£47.00
38Charlotte HolmesClerks Salary – Dec£205.63£0.00£205.63
39HMRCHMRC – Dec£47.00£0.00£47.00
40Jenny HendonMole Repeller & Battery£17.79£3.56£21.35
41SPCAAnnual Subscription£185.45 £185.45
42Charlotte Holmes2021/2022 National Pay Award£48.10 £48.10
43SovereignPlaypark Installation£1,195.20£239.40£1,434.60

Bank Balance as of 28th February 2022

Treasurer  Account (00198773)£26580.86
Instant Account (07215991)£1031.65
  1. Review and Finalise the 2022/2023 Budget

The Budget for 2022/2023 was reviewed by all Cllrs. Cllr Hendon raised the potential increase the bi-annual donation from Draycott in the Clay Parish Council to contribute towards maintenance to the churchyard. Costs are anticipated to have more than doubled since the sum was first agreed.

It was decided that the play park regeneration would be given its own budget line with remaining reserved funds of £5700 from Grants in. All in favour

It was decided that up to £10,000 would be allocated for reserved funds for the speed limit change. It was agreed that contingency reserves should not dip below the equivalent of one full year’s precept. All in favour

Action; Clerk to discuss increase to £300 from Draycott in the Clay and update reserved funds for 2022/2023

  1. Review and decide on Grounds Maintenance tender

Despite expressions of interests from 4 companies only 2 submitted a tender. Both were unaffordable. It was decided that Hanbury Parish Council would remain within the current contract with Bloomin Gardens for the next 12 months and then look at retender for the following year. A separate working group to be set up to review and simplify the current, out-dated tender documents and reviewed to see what elements my be taken ‘in house’.  All in favour.

Action; Clerk to inform Bloomin Gardens and the other applicants. Put on agenda for next meeting

  1. To review plans for the Annual Parish Meeting

Plans for the format of the event were discussed and finalised.

Action; Clerk to contact Cllr Hudson & Cllr White for brief annual report

  1. To review and decide on purchases for the litter picking event

It was agreed to purchase 5 litter pickers for the upcoming Litter Pick event at a cost of £3.50 each.

Action; Clerk to purchase litter pickers and arrange schedule. Arrange collection from ESBC. Clerk to provide black bin liners. Hi-viz jackets and gloves have been donated by cllrs/parishioners.

  1. To discuss potential signs to deter the blocking of walkways by parked cars

It was decided to purchase a sign stating No parking. This entrance is in constant use. Information will be passed on to Trent and Dove Housing to inform them of the sign.

Action; Clerk to purchase sign and inform Trent and Dove Housing.

  1. To discuss and decide on a potential donation for the Queen’s Jubilee committee

Discussion was undertaken as to how best we can support the Queen’s Jubilee celebration. The Parish Council have supported the Queen’s Jubilee committee by printing and distributing the leaflets for the event as well as ensuring that the play park will be completed in time for the event. 

Action; Clerk to respond to the Queen’s Jubilee Committee

  1. To discuss and approve the 2021/2022 National Salary Award

The National Salary award amount was agreed. All in favour.

Action; Clerk to add to payments.

  1. Councillors Reports

Cllr Tyson sent in a report highlighting the increasing problem of potholes throughout the village. The importance in reporting them using the SCC Highways app was expressed to ensure as many reports are received as possible. 

The Highway Code has now been updated to improve the safety of people walking, cycling and riding horses, these came into effect on 29th January 2022.

The Accompanied Horses signs for the village were discussed and with increasing costs it was decided that the changing of speed limits to 30mph within the village in conjunction with the highway code changes would ensure all road users were better off and no signs were needed at this time.

Cllr Tyson’s report mentioned the ESBC Parish Council Forum. The meeting started with a statement that ESBC had declared this a Climate Change Emergency and had set a target of being Carbon neutral by 2040, government target 2050. Some Parish Councils have adopted a Climate Change Emergency Policy so this may be something at Hanbury Parish Council discuss in the future.

Cllr Hendon & Cllr Harrison discussed the upcoming Playing field play park Installation which is due to take place on May 13th.

Meeting closed at 21.37pm

Date of the Annual Parish Meeting: 7.30pm on Monday 11th April 2022

Date of Annual Meeting of the Council: 7.30pm on Monday 16th May 2022

Parish Council Information can be found on the internet at – https;//www.hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk