Hanbury Parish Council Meeting – Monday 9th January 2023


Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall at 7.30pm

Monday 9th January 2023

 A G E N D A

  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Chair’s Welcome
  4. Public Forum
  5. Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th November 2022. Available online or by request to clerk
  6. Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th December 2022. Available online or by request to clerk
  7. Matters arising from those minutes
  8. Review Planning Applications.
  9. Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
  10. To approve a training request
  11. To approve and appoint the auditor for 2022/2023
  12. To review and approve the updated Risk Assessment
  13. Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes & finance & correspondence received
  14. Councillors Reports

Date of Next Meeting –13th March 2023

Parish Council information can now be found online at – hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk


Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Tyson; Cllr Iball; Cllr Harrison; Cllr Bailey
Also present C Holmes; Cllr Hudson; 2 Parishioners

  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr White, Cllr Philp

  • Declarations of Interest


  • Chair’s Welcome

The Chair wished a Happy New Year to the councillors and parishioners, welcomed the parishioners that attended the meeting and thanked everyone for their support.

The Chair reviewed what is upcoming in 2023 for Hanbury Parish Council, notably the council elections.

Finally, the Chair then discussed setting a date for the Annual Litter Pick. It was agreed that although we have had some great support from parishioners throughout the whole year the event itself will provide a chance to clear up some of the major problem areas. Cllr Gregson echoed these statements expressing that the litter is currently becoming a big problem with dog poo being at the centre of this. A suggested date of 23rd April was agreed.

Action: Clerk to arrange a poster for annual litter pick

  • Public Forum

Parishioner raised concerns over the level of dog mess in the village.

Cllr Hendon explained that she has written comments in the parish magazine regarding this issue, agreeing that it is continuing to be a problem. It was agreed to further highlight the issue with a notice on the noticeboard and a further message in the parish magazine.

Action: Clerk to add a notice to the bus shelter and Cllr Hendon to write in the parish magazine

  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th November 2022

All agreed to be a true record of the meeting.

Action: Clerk to convert to upload to website

  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th December 2022

All agreed to be a true record of the meeting.

Action: Clerk to convert to upload to website

  • Matters arising from those minutes

Thank you letter to the Burton Conservation Volunteers – This is still an ongoing project so a thank you letter will be issued once the job is finalised.

Cllr Hendon explained that the liner has begun to rise so hessian sacks will now be filled with topsoil and used to weight the liner down. This work will be undertaken by the volunteers on Wednesday 11th January.

Inspection of the playing field- a telephone number contact was suggested but having looked at the guidelines an email address will suffice, it was agreed that the current notice does not need changing to comply.

  • Review Planning Applications.
Planning numberPremisesPlanning requestedComments by HPCDecision
P/2022/00451Sycamore Farm, Chapel Lane, Hanbury, DE13 8TRDemolition of part of existing building to facilitate the erection of a part two storey, part single storey front, rear and side extensions, replacement roof to existing dwelling, conversion of existing barn to additional living accommodation and erection of a link extension and demolition of existing barn.             Registered
P/2022/01120Saltbrook Meadow Farm, Saltbrook Lane, Coton In The Clay, Staffordshire, DE6 5GYChange of use from Class C3 dwellinghouse to form a small-scale childrens care home Class C2         Registered
P/2022/01110Saltbrook Farm, Saltbrook Lane, Coton In The Clay, Staffordshire, DE6 5GYErection of a two storey side and rear extension         Registered
P/2022/01319Burton Mutual Angling Association, Newborough Road, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PDFell group of 3x Ash trees and pollard 2x Willow trees to leave a finished height of 5m (W1 of TPO 75)       Registered
P/2022/01339Plot 7b And 7c, Lancaster Park, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PDErection of a two storey extension, external alterations, balconies and car park amendments       Registered
  • Receive Borough and County Councillors reports

Cllr Tyson raised the speed limit reduction in which, having pushed for more information, County Cllr White contacted Staffs County Council Highways department. A reply was received reaffirming commitment to the project along with a promise that a more comprehensive progress report will be available by the end of January. Cllr Tyson will continue to chase for progress.

Lastly, via email, Cllr White gave early notification of the following road closures, these are to carry out preparatory work prior to full resurfacing work later in the year. Access to frontages and emergency vehicles will of course be maintained and official notices posted nearer the time.

Please contact Cllr Tyson via the Clerk if you have specific concerns and I will endeavour to resolve. 

These include:

  • Anslow Road from Martins Lane to the Belmont crossroads from 13-21 March
  • Chapel Lane on 22nd March
  • Knightsfield Road from the junction with the B5017 (5-6 lanes road) to the junction with Wood Lane on 23rd March 7th April

Having spoken with Steve Wilcox from Staffs Highways, Cllr Tyson explains that Pipey Lane and Duffield Road will be closed during this period as well.

Cllr Gregson went on to raise the issue of the blocked drains & gullies, explaining that she has raised reports on various gullies and subsequent flooding more than 4 times using the Staffs County Council portal and no action has been taken.

Cllr Gregson also raised the attendance of Cllr White explaining that she feels his input on local issues has been both helpful and valuable and, whilst he may have other commitments, attendance at some meetings throughout the year would be appreciated.

Cllr Hudson went on to wish the councillors a Happy New Year and thanked the councillors for all the work that they do, noting that they are volunteers.

He explained that he wished to stand for election in May and, should he be successful, a meeting will be arranged to discuss the issues for the next financial year.

Moving on from Cllr Gregson’s comments, Cllr Hudson encouraged reporting using the Staffs App as this will allow you to obtain a report number which can allow for further escalation from both him and Cllr White

Both potholes and the village speed reduction were discussed with Cllr Hudson being pleased the resurfacing work is upcoming and explaining that, although the cog turns slowly, the change of speed limit will happen.

Cllr Hudson discussed his role as Mayor and the work he has undertaken so far with 120 civic visits and over £8000 raised for charity.

The purchasing of the Old Bass House was also discussed with this looking to become the new Burton Museum holding all the memorabilia from the Brewery Museum with Molson Coors paying for the transition.

Cllr Tyson raised that there has been a Consultation process on moving the library but no consultation with the purchasing on the purchase of the Molson Coors HQ,Cllr Hudson explained that upon purchasing the the buildings the council were unaware that this would result in Molson Coors moving their offices to the site of the National Brewery Centre, resulting in its closure.The idea is to now work together with plans to move the museum to Old Bass House, closer to the centre of town.

Cllr Hendon asked about the Washlands development. Cllr Hudson explained that costs have increased due to the rise in inflation, but the project will continue. No decision has yet been made on the market hall and the library will continue to reduce in size with the car park also getting smaller to accommodate the offices.

The Maltings in Uttoxeter were discussed, a consultation will take place to ascertain what this will become but the purchasing of the land is still in negotiation.

He explained that it is likely the finalisation of council tax levels will be done in the upcoming February meeting.

Lastly, Cllr Hudson mentioned that he was pleased to be able to secure the CCF funding for the pond liner for the village.

Action: Clerk to add the road closures to the website.

Clerk to contact Cllr White

  1. To approve a training request

The clerk requested to attend Elections training session held by ESBC. The course is £30 with £10 being paid by Newborough, Hanbury and Anslow. Request was granted

Action: Clerk to book the training course

  1. To approve an auditor for 2022/2023

It was agreed to retain our current auditor. A thank you was passed on for their hard work.

Action: Clerk to check availability for year end.

  1. To review and approve the updated we risk assessment policy

Cllr Hendon raised that within the report it suggests a monthly councillor visual inspection of the playing field. It was suggested that this should be moved to bi-monthly in line with the meeting schedule and would be added to the minutes upon completion.

The policy was reviewed and accepted.

Action: Clerk to upload to website.

  1. Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes & finance & correspondence received

Meeting Dates circulated to relevant people including PCSO

Sovereign will be attending to add a stamp to the play park on 10th January

Website Accessibility uploaded to website

Risk Register reviewed

Grounds Maintenance decisions forward to relevant parties

Public Liability cert obtained for new Grounds Maintenance operative

Budget finalised and precept request sent to ESBC

Fly Tipping reported to ESBC and response received from the Enforcement Technical Services Officer

Parishioner Correspondence – Regarding Fauld Crater

Parishioner Correspondence – regarding Footpaths raising issue of a walker asserting a right to roam. It was confirmed that no Parish councillor was of the opinion there was any such right on farmland in England. Cllr Hendon mentioned that the area in question has always been maintained to a high standard of paths and styles, with clear markers being in place as to where the registered footpaths are.

It was explained that Hanbury has 19 miles of footpaths and leaflets freely available detailing these in the pub, in the bus shelter and marked clearly on a sign outside The CockThis should help all walkers be aware of the correct routes.

Lastly, Cllr Hendon thanked the landowners for the upkeep of styles and reminded parishioners to advise the Clerk of any problems with paths, particularly in regard to where signage could be improved to ensure they can easily follow the correct routes.

We still have plenty of footpath markers should an area need them. Please report this to the clerk should you have any suggestions.

Action: Clerk to send pictures and report details of the fly tipping to Cllr Hudson

Clerk to re-send meeting dates to Cllr Hudson

Cllr Hendon to respond to parishioner regarding footpath concerns.


Review budget tracker

Online Payment NumberDateSupplierInvoice Detail (Reason for Payment) Invoice Amount
7809/01/2023Charlotte HolmesClerks Salary – Nov£237.95£0.00£237.95
7909/01/2023HMRCHMRC – Nov£55.20£0.00£55.20
8009/01/2023Charlotte HolmesClerks Salary – Dec£237.95£0.00£237.95
8109/01/2023HMRCHMRC – Dec£55.20£0.00£55.20
8209/01/2023Charlotte HolmesStationary£79.44£0.00£79.44
8309/01/2023Jenny HendonHessian Sacks£37.80£0.00£37.80
8409/01/2023ICOData Protection Fee£40.00£0.00£40.00
8509/01/2023Hanbury Memorial HallRoom Hire£110.00£0.00£110.00

Bank Balance as of 31st December 2022

Treasurer  Account (00198773)£24,715.48
Instant Account (07215991)£1032.16
  1. Councillors Reports

Cllr Hendon raised the increase in price for the hire of the Memorial Hall due to energy costs. It was discussed that the Parish Council, not being a social club, are undertaking work as volunteers on behalf of the parishioners and would like to review what the necessary costs are for undertaking meetings at the Memorial Hall with only the basic requirements needed for the meetings. It was agreed that Cllr Hendon will attend the next Memorial Hall meeting to raise the issue.

Cllr Tyson undertook the routine 3 monthly tree inspection in the Closed Churchyard. The arboriculture survey carried out in March 20221 recommended that the Yew tree be inspected at least evert 2 years. Cllr Tyson explained that he thinks it would be worthwhile to consider this for the 2024/2025 budget.

Lastly, Cllr Tyson explained that the gate from Hall Drive to the Churchyard is now completely broken and the gate post rotten. This may also be a consideration for the 2024/2025 budget with a conversation being undertaken with the PCC.

Meeting Closed: 8.45pm

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:

7.30pm on March 13th, 2023

Parish Council Information can be found on the internet at – https;//www.hanburyparishcouncil.org.uk