Hanbury Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Charlotte Holmes, 8 Tulip Road, Tutbury, Staffs, DE13 9LX
Tel 07950 776987 Email hanburyparishcouncil@live.co.uk
Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall for the Councillors & the Parish Clerk.
Monday 13th September 2021 at 7.30pm
View Agenda
- Apologies for absence.
- Declarations of Interest.
- Public Forum
- Councillor Co-option
- Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 22nd July. Available online or by request to clerk
- Matters arising from those minutes.
- Chair’s update
- Review Planning Applications.
- Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
- Councillors Reports (Playing field, Highways, Churchyard & Footpaths)
- Review Code of Conduct & other Parish Council Policies
- Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes, finance & correspondence
Date of Next Meeting – Monday 8th November
View Minutes
Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Tyson, Cllr Iball, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Harrison; Cllr Bailey
Also present C Holmes; 1 Parishioners
Parishioner would like to discuss what progress has been made since the previous council meeting in relation to the village pond & the green. Parishioner is concerned about the young of the Great Crested Newts with the low water level in the pond. Parishioner also mentioned that the liner within the pond could be leaking which may be causing an issue.
Cllr Tyson explained that we do not know if the liner is a concern as the level of the pond water is bound to fluctuate in the winter & summer. Cllr Hendon discussed the possibility of inviting the conservation consultan, Lawrence Oates to look in to this issue further. Cllr Hendon also explained that replacing the liner could cause more issues than it solves due to having to having to remove everything from the pond. Cllr Hendon will also contact Cllr Hudson to see if SCC still employ an ecologist who may be able to review the situation.
The cutting of the grass on the green was also discussed as this does not seem to have been completed in the usual timescales.
Action; Clerk to contact Blooming Gardens regarding the cutting of the grass on the green.. Cllr Hendon to liaise with Lawrence Oates.
Parishioner was interested in the position but unfortunately cannot attend meetings on a Monday evening. Cllr Hendon will be putting a further advertisement in the Parish Magazine and applications are welcome. - MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON 22nd JULY 2021
All agreed to be a true record of the meeting
Action; Clerk to convert to upload to website - MATTERS ARISING FROM THOSE MINUTES
Outstanding contact for lengths man.
Awaiting quote for phase 2 of the Tree Survey work
Action; Clerk to send out current table of work for lengthsman. - CHAIRS UPDATE
Cllr Hendon would like a volunteer to be the Council Representative on the Memorial Hallcommittee. It was suggested by Cllr Tyson that this could be rotated within the council with Cllr Hendon attending the first meeting.
Cllr Hendon wanted to discuss further an article in the ESBC bulletin called #doingourbit. This initiative is there to support those who are vulnerable within the community in particular during the upcoming winter months.
Cllr Hendon explained that a meeting would be taking place to offer support to Parish Councils with this project. It was decided that Cllr Harrison would attend this and report back.
Cllr Hendon further discussed the Project D consultation in relation to the Washlands in Burton on Trent. An initial consultation has already taken place with a further one to take place in September looking at how best to utilise the space for the community. Hanbury Parish Council has previously submitted comments to the council.
Cllr Hendon attended the civil service reception for the Mayor in order to represent Hanbury and the Parish Council.
Cllr Hendon also thanked Cllr Hudson for his support with the successful bid for £1000 towards the playing field. Cllr Hendon further went on to thank Annie Allsopp for organising the grand raffle which was well attended with all having a great time. A further thank you was given to Cllr Harrison and all the parishioners who worked incredibly hard on work carried out at the play park on that day. - REVIEW PLANNING APPLICATIONS
Planning number | Premises | Planning requested | Decision |
P/2021/00281 | 6 The Brickyard, Hanbury, Burton on Trent, DE13 8TL | Erection of a part two storey and single storey side extension and front porch | PERMITS |
P/2020/01448 | Vacant Land at , Lancaster Park, Newborough Road, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PD | Erection of two industrial units for use as (Class B2) Industrial and (Class B8) Storage or Distribution with associated car parking | PERMITS |
ES.21/03/504 M | Fauld Mine, Tutbury | Retrospective application for an internal access road and additional car parking | REGISTERED |
P/2021/00641 | Land off Oakfields Road, Hanbury, Staffordshire, DE13 8TP | Reserved Matters application relating to P/2018/01265 for the erection of a detached dwelling including details of access, appearance, layout and scale | REGISTERED |
P/2021/00976 | Moat Farm, Chapel Lane, Hanbury, DE13 8TR | Erection of a Slurry Tower | PERMITS |
DX 712 320 | Confirmation of Public Path Diversion Order in respect of Public Bridleway No12 Hanbury Parish | REGISTERED | |
P/2021/01102 | Consultation – Planning application No. SCC/21/0016/PNOPD for Prior Notification of the proposed demolition of the ‘ablutions’ building, Fauld Mine Tutbury Staffordshire | REGISTERED | |
P/2021/01093 | Land at the end of Meadow View Close, Hanbury, Staffordshire | Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the variation of Condition 8 of P/2018/01265 relating to the outline application for the erection of one dwelling with all matters reserved by way of a new turning and parking area | New |
P/2021/01112 | Land to the North of the Drive to, Kingstanding Hall, Burton Road, Needwood, Staffordshire, DE13 9PE | Change of use to equestrian and erection of stables, tack room, store room and formation of manege for private use only | New |
P/2021/01136 | Coton Hall, Fauld Lane, Coton In The Clay, DE6 5GY | Felling of one Lime tree (T105), reduce and rebalance Yew tree by approx 2-3m (T104), reduce Yew tree side growth back to fence line, approx 2m and cut to clear phone lines by 50cm passing through the canopy (T113) TPO 43 | New |
P/2021/01142 | Part of Coulters Hill Farm, Kingstanding, Needwood, Burton upon Trent, DE13 8TL | Reserved Matters application for the erection of an agricultural workers dwelling including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale | New |
P/2021/01093 – Parish Council has no comments to make P/2021/01112 – Parish Council has no comments to make P/2021/01136 – Parish Council has no comments to make P/2021/01142 – Parish Council will be adding comments in relation to the use of the building Action; Clerk to add comments to ESBC Planning Portal |
No report received from Cllr White
Cllr Hudson discussed with Cllr Hendon the Uttoxeter Master Plan, details of which can be shared if needed. Cllr Hudson also explained that an emergency meeting will be called at the end of September to appoint a new solicitor/monitoring officer for ESBC.
Cllr Hudson further discussed an issue raised at the previous meeting of the Parish Council in relation to a planning application. It was explained that restrictions don’t apply to the campsite in question until it is officially open. Cllr Bailey went on to explain that the campsite was opened on 31st August.
Action; Clerk organise a Zoom catch up with Cllr White, Cllr Hendon & Cllr Hudson.
Playing Field
Cllr Harrison explained that the pace of work completed has slowed down slightly. The mound is now built, is in place and awaiting grass seed. Cllr Harrison went on to explain that they are now ready for the logs to come from the Duchy but are currently in need of someone to cut the logs with a chainsaw licence. Cllr Hendon suggested that a letter is put together detailing specifically what is needed and then sent to the correct people for quotes. Cllr Harrison explained that a further date for a working party will be discussed in due course and advertised on Facebook to ensure as much support as possible. Cllr Harrison has also gathered prices for the climbing wall in order to take to the Townlands Charity meeting to discuss a possible contribution.
Closed Churchyard
Cllr Tyson explained that he has had no further progress in relation to the transfer of responsibilities. The last correspondence was with Liz Easthaugh (Senior Assets and Estates Manager) on 15/06/2021.Cllr Tyson will chase before the November meeting, Ideally with support from Cllr Hudson
Tree survey: Priority 1 work completed satisfactorily, quotes now required for the remaining work and timescales for completing to be agreed at the meeting.
Cllr Tyson explained that it would be useful to have a mechanism needed to flag up when future surveys are required, recommendation is every 3 years, need to agree if this is acceptable or we extend to 4 or 5 year intervals. It was agreed that every 3 years would be a good start.
Cllr Tyson explained that he has carried out a routine inspection of the trees in particular the Yew tree which was identified as being the most at risk and was unable to detect any deterioration or material changes.
Lastly, Cllr Tyson explained that the gate from Hall Drive was reported as broken, having inspected this it was determined that whilst the closing post is rotten and adrift the gate still operable and is not a security issue, no action proposed until other maintenance issues and charges are resolved.
Tree Policy
Cllr Tyson has had no response from either the Borough or County Councillors with respect to ownership of the Green (and hence the trees). Included in this request was a clarification of the responsibility for the mature trees bordering the Playground.
Cllr Harrison discussed a parishioner who would like to plant a tree in memory of a villager.
Cllr Tyson has received numerous verbal complaints re the poor standard of ‘repairs’ carried out in Anslow Road opposite the village hall. This work was carried out using the Roadmaster and is not suitable.
Speed limits: Action will depend on receiving any response Cllr Phil White to Cllr Tyson’s emails. Cllr Tyson will be suggesting that we take the matter up with our MP Kate Griffiths.
The proposal is to reduce the speed limit from 60mph to 40mph throughout the village; this will bring us into line with all surrounding villages.
Chapel Lane flooding: an update has been received explaining that they will look at resources and contact Cllr Tyson in due course.
Nothing to update at this time.
Queen’s Jubilee
Cllr Hendon wanted to ensure that this project had ownership to ensure that suitable planning was in place. Cllr Bailey has taken on that responsibility. Cllr Bailey went on to explain that an issue could arise for the cattle & livestock at that time of year when lighting the beacons. It was suggested that a possible approach could be to approach The Cock pub but this could prove difficult with the fire element.
Bus Shelter
Cllr Gregson has undertaken a tidy up of the bus shelter and would like to look at the possibility of a notice board. Cllr Hendon suggested discussing with the Townlands charity to ask for support with the funding of this.
Action; Clerk & Cllr Bailey to contact farmer in relation to Queen’s jubilee lighting of the beacons.
Cllr Harrison to draft an email/letter in regards to the cutting of logs for the playing field.
Cllr Tyson to contact MP Kate Griffiths regarding the speed limits.
Clerk to add the Tree Survey to a 3 yearly review
Clerk to remind Cllr White regarding understanding who owns the trees on the green & on the play park.
Cllr Tyson to email Paul Rochfort regarding at the footpaths to ensure we are aware of ownership
Model Publication Scheme – Details updated from previous clerk
Public participation policy – Details updated from previous clerk
Code of Conduct – Further information regarding bullying added, addition of code of conduct be adhered to in virtual settings as well as face to face and further clarification on confidentiality.
Action; Clerk to upload to the website. - CLERKS REPORT
Facilitated correspondence between parishioner and Tatenhill airfield
All information passed to parishioner in relation to dates on previous planning applications
New Financial Regulations & Standing Orders added to website
Cllr Iball sent IB registration details –check on progress
Training courses booked
Working on treemendous
Update of Code of Conduct, Model Publication Scheme and Public participation policy
GDPR Reviewed the filing cabinet
Review budget tracker
4 payments for September | |||
Clerk’s remuneration | Salary – July | 221.86 | |
Home office allowance | £17.33 | £239.19 | |
Clerk’s remuneration | Salary – August | 221.86 | |
Home office allowance | £17.33 | £239.19 | |
Fairview Arborists | Tree Survey Phase 1 Work | £650 | £650 |
Hanbury Memorial Hall | May & July Hire | £40 | £40 |
Total | £1168.38 |
All approved. Action; Clerk to make payments as soon as possible |
Meeting closed at 20:50
Date of the Next Meeting: 7.30pm on Monday 8th November 2021