Parish Council Meeting 22nd July 2021

Hanbury Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Charlotte Holmes, 8 Tulip Road, Tutbury, Staffs, DE13 9LX
Tel 07950 776987 Email

Please be advised that Parish Council Meeting will take place at Hanbury Memorial Hall for the Councillors & the Parish Clerk. Parishioners may attend via Zoom upon request to clerk via email

Thursday 22nd July 2021 at 7.30pm

View Agenda
  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of Interest.
  3. Public Forum
  4. Chair’s Update
  5. Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 17th May. Available online or by request to clerk
  6. Matters arising from those minutes.
  7. Councillor Co-option
  8. Review Planning Applications.
  9. Receive Borough and County Councillors reports
  10. Councillors Reports (Playing field, Highways, Churchyard & Footpaths)
  11. Review Standing Orders & other Parish Council Policies
  12. Agree the revised budget for 2021/2022
  13. Consider any training requests
  14. Clerk’s Report: to include banking changes, finance & correspondence

Date of Next Meeting – 13th September 2021

View Minutes

Councillors Cllr Hendon, Cllr Tyson, Cllr Iball, Cllr Gregson, Cllr Harrison
Also present C Holmes; 5 Parishioners

    Cllr Hudson
    One Parishioner wanted to speak on behalf of three other parishioners and provided an update on the campsite at the Cock Inn. Alan Harvey has been contacted regarding a breach that they believe to have taken place as well as the dates for the conditions. Parishioners have also seen an increase of anti social behaviour since the pub has reopened and have been reporting this to the correct authorities. Parishioner explains that they are seeking to clarify the date that the written consent was given to the applicants so that they can see if the timelines have been met
    The same parishioner wanted to explain about the trimming of the hedge on the path opposite the pub which caused an obstruction; it has now been cleared. Council offers their thanks.

    Another Parishioner wanted to understand what is happening about the pond on the green as she is concerned about the great-crested newts. Lawrence Oates from ESBC has previously attended as a wildlife specialist and has provided some reassurance that pond levels fluctuate and this is not always a bad thing for the wildlife. Cllr Hendon confirms that we are minded to watch the situation and take further advice. She will speak to Townland’s Charity regarding a contribution to the cost of replacing the liner of the pond, if this is indeed the recommended and agreed way forward. The Parishioner shares that she had found out that it is SCC who owns the pond and handed a file of information to Cllr Tyson for further perusal.

    Another Parishioner wanted to discuss a potential contribution towards the play park from the Townland’s charity. Ideally a specific item will be found to be used a contribution

    Action; Clerk to write to Cllr Hudson in relation to confirmation of the date of consent for the Campsite at The Cock Inn.
    Clerk to chase County Councillor in relation to potential work on the pond.
    Cllr Harrison to send some cost breakdowns to support with the Townland Charity application
    Chairman welcomes the parishioners who have attended and the potential candidate for councillor. Thank you goes out to everyone for agreeing the change to the meeting date and to Cllr Skeet & Cllr Ward for their service with the council following their resignations.
    Cllr Hendon would like to ensure that we keep Parish Council meetings to the agenda and ensure that they are completed by 9.00pm. It is stated that it is important that we have time to complete the Clerk’s report and discuss the financials.
    Review is needed for updated Code of Conduct and this will be on the September agenda.
    Cllr Hendon discussed the Queens Jubilee and lighting the beacons for June 2022.
    Children’s summer of reading to be added to Facebook and the website to ensure that the parishioners are made aware of activities available.
    Article in the latest Parish Magazine to encourage parishioners to write in to ensure that we are able to address concerns in a timely manner and then discuss in the parish meeting.
    Thankyous were then extended to Ian for working on the Tree Survey and to Jude in relation to the playing field.

    Action; Clerk to add Code of Conduct to the Sept Agenda.
    Clerk to add Children’s summer of reading information to Facebook and website

    All agreed to be a true record of the meeting

    Action; Clerk to convert to pdf and upload to website

    David Bailey discussed his time in the village and his interest in being a part of the Parish Council.
    Cllr Harrison nominated Mr Bailey, this was seconded by Cllr Hendon.
Planning numberPremisesPlanning requestedDecision
P/2021/002816 The Brickyard, Hanbury, Burton on Trent, DE13 8TLErection of a part two storey and single storey side extension and front porchREGISTERED
ES.21/03/504 M Fauld Mine, TutburyRetrospective application for an internal access road and additional car parkingNEW
P/2021/00641Land off Oakfields Road, Hanbury, Staffordshire, DE13 8TPReserved Matters application relating to P/2018/01265 for the erection of a detached dwelling including details of access, appearance, layout and scaleNEW
P/2021/00617Fauld Manor, Fauld Lane, Fauld, Staffordshire, DE13 9HErection of a single storey rear link extension and erection of a two storey side extensionPERMITS
ES.21/03/504 M  – Parish council would like to offer support Action; Clerk to issue support to ES.21/03/504 M
    Cllr Hudson has nothing to report at this current time.
    No report received from Cllr White
    Playing field – Small gathering on 4th July including various parishioners who managed to break ground, pull out one set of goal posts and dig out the area for the wild-flower garden. Now in a waiting position for the topsoil to be delivered by Tom Salt and to begin to build the mound up. Duchy has asked a contractor to support with the timber which they will look to fund.
    Cllr Bailey explained that he will be attending at the weekend to complete further work. Parishioner has offered to ensure that the football pitch is cut and available for use.
    Cllr Hendon has been working on costing for items for the play park in relation to potential support from Cllr Hudson.
    Cllr Harrison would like to thank Annie, Iggy and Jack Allsop for all their support and hard work. On 30th August the raffle will be drawn at the pub and a community event will be planned. The playpark is currently locked whilst work is currently being completed.
    Cllr Harrison explained that a memorial to Rev Les Rees has been discussed.
    Cllr Hendon did an inspection of the play park and all passed and happy so far.

    Highways – Z bend sign in Blackbrook- report acknowledged, classified as non urgent
    Road repairs carried in Wood Lane, various potholes outstanding but have been marked so clearly known about.
    Chapel Lane flooding problem persists, first report dismissed by Amey, reported again with an appropriate note to SCC. No further communication from Amey /Highways at this stage.
    The reduction of speed limits was raised, together with the second anniversary of the fatality at Anslow crossroads on which there is still no action. Richard Rayson addressed the PC a few years ago and stated that all consideration for limit reductions, calming measures and signage improvement were all driven by statistical evidence.
    Cllr Tyson has asked Phil White to take up the matter on the PC’s behalf given that over the last two years the following changes have been made and have asked Phil what statistics underpin them.
    Traffic calming measures in Tutbury
    Speed limits reduced: Rangemore to Tatenhill crossroads
    Draycott to Marchington
    Draycott to Sudbury
    Hanbury remains the only local village with a national speed limit of 60mph. Cllr Tyson believes that 40mph limit is considered more appropriate.
    Cllr Hendon wanted to discuss suggesting that people write in to discuss the current speed limit in the village as 60mph is increasingly becoming a problem in the village. Communication is encouraged to ensure that we are able to report this as much as possible.
    Closed Churchyard – Cllr Tyson reiterated that Priority 1 tree surgery should have started on 20th July, remaining work to be scheduled over the next two years.
    He has contacted Mark Rizk (ESBC Services) to start a dialogue on potential transfer of the Closed Churchyard back to ESBC. Mark has now delegate this to Liz Eastaugh (Senior Assets and Estates Officer).The last correspondence was a request for details of the original transfer from ESBC to HPC, unfortunately we have been unable to locate any records.
    Cllr Iball explained that the gate in the churchyard is broken.

    Tree Policy – Cllr Tyson has written a draft policy but cannot finalise until ownership issues of ‘The Green’ and trees on the boundary of the Playing Field are resolved. Phil White asked to assist in this process.

    Accessibility Statement – Draft statement circulated and awaiting feedback from Ian Garner. This statement has to be reviewed annually and therefore we can update in 12 months time to reflect any feedback we receive.

    Footpaths – Cllr Gregson explained that all matters to do with the footpaths are resolved.

    Action; Clerk to add Community Event on 30th August on the website.
    Financial Regulations – Update to include new Online Payment Forms to be signed by two signatories. Update to include that Chairman has access to the Internet Banking as part of two step authentication for payments. Limit of £250 for double sign off.

    Standing Orders – Not further updates to this at the present time. Update to font to ensure consistency

    Action; Clerk to upload to the website. Clerk to ensure that a Cllr Iball is added to the internet banking
    Clerk to add accessibility statement to the website.
    All agreed.

    Action; Clerk to update Hanbury Parish Council Workbook
    Chairman would like to undertake the SPCA Chairmanship skills course
    Cllr Bailey to review what courses will be suitable and contact the clerk

    Action; Clerk to find out about chairman training;
    Clerk to liaise with Cllr Bailey about potential training

    Contact made with the Cock Inn to ensure that they report any use of the defib to me as soon as possible
    Register of Interest sent
    AGAR sent to Mazars& official receipt received
    Cllr Hudson updated with contact details for Chairman & Clerk
    Defib annual budget calculated – £36 per year for Pads, £176 4 yearly for batteries (£44 per year). £80 per Defib = £160 total for both
    Phase 1 Tree Survey work to be completed on 20th July
    Electoral Register updated for 2021
    Contact made with Tatenhill Re: Trim Trail
    Letter sent to the Airfield regarding parishioner correspondence
    Budget completed
    Potential ‘No Dogs Allowed’ signs costed as ESBC not able to support
    Consultation in place regarding dog poo bins
    Consultation in place regarding speed & parked cars causing additional concerns
    Playground Inspection due – review based on new information

    Action; Clerk to ask Fairview for further quotes on tree survey
    Address for Airfield to be passed on parishioner and actions taken discussed.

Review budget tracker

6 payments for July
Clerk’s remunerationSalary – May221.86£239.19
Home office allowance£17.33
Clerk’s remunerationSalary – June221.86£239.19
Home office allowance£17.33
TreemendousBuild Picnic Benches£240£240.00
Charlotte HolmesStationary – Ink Cartridge£38.93£38.93
TOTAL                   £1053.71

All approved.

Action; Clerk to make payments as soon as possible

Clerk to contact James Bullock in relation to potential lengthsman

Clerk to write to Treemendous to ensure that we have a detailed breakdown of work

Meeting closed at 9pm
Date of the Next Meeting: 7.30pm on 13th September 2021