Parish Magazine – April 2021

An update from Hanbury Parish Councillors for the parish magazine:-

The March parish council meeting held via Zoom was well attended by both parishioners and councillors alike. There was a lively debate in the Public Forum following the planning authority’s approval of the planning application for a camping field and toilet and shower block at the Cock Inn.  

The packed agenda covered a diverse range of subjects, including, inter alia, plans for improvements to the playing field area, a tree survey for the Closed Churchyard, grounds maintenance for 2021 to 2023, stile heights on the blue public footpath, anti-social behaviour (ASB) on the car park at Hanbury Common and on Greaves Lane, a notable increase in the amount of traffic on Hanbury lanes, especially at peak times, speeding vehicles and a request from a councillor for more parishioners to join the parish council. 

Since the meeting, there has been a report of a further ASB incident on Chapel Lane.  Please, please if you notice anything suspicious or need help or support you should contact PCSO Tim Leathers at , ring 101, use digital 101 or visit

In due course, more details of all these matters will be included in the minutes of the March meeting in draft form on the parish notice board in Church Lane and in agreed form on the parish council’s web site at .

There is no parish council meeting planned for April at the moment.  The next parish council meeting, which is also the Annual Parish Council Meeting, is due to be held on Monday 11th May 2021.   All are welcome to attend.  We are unsure if we will be able to hold a face to face meeting, possibly in Hanbury Memorial Hall, or whether it will be a remote meeting via Zoom.  Please check the notice board in Church Lane or the parish council web site above. Hope you all have a Happy Easter and stay safe everyone!

Gillian Cheal

Parish Clerk