An update from Hanbury Parish Councillors:-
Happy New Year! We hope that 2021 sees the back of the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting in September 2020 was the last to be held at Hanbury Memorial Hall due to the Covid restrictions. It was well attended by Parish Councillors and parishioners and was Amanda’s last meeting as clerk. Amanda was thanked for all the sterling work throughout her sixteen years in post. Amanda and Ben were wished well in their new home.
Concern had been raised at the low water level to the village green pond. A conservation specialist confirmed that reduced levels are common in spells of dry weather and suggested the levels are monitored and, if necessary, the pond liner may need replacing due to it’s age. This work can only be done in September/October time and will be pursued in 2021. Ownership of the Green is still to be established. In the meantime, the water levels have recovered very well!
The broken equipment on the playing field has been removed and the ground under reinstated. Thanks to a local parishioner, the swing posts have been repaired free of charge. A grant has been received from the Duchy of Lancaster for replacement picnic tables which will be procured in the near future. This will provide a much needed usable outdoor space in these challenging Covid-19 times.
The Fauld Crater footpaths have been very well used and enjoyed throughout the lockdowns and Covid-19 restrictions. Damage to the perimeter fencing was repaired by the MOD. Thanks to local farmers, access to the Fauld crater walks has been much improved by the installation of a stock proof metal kissing gate. The local farmers have offered to replace more kissing gates to ensure the safety of livestock and walkers alike. Further finger posts and way-markers have been purchased with the Community Path Initiative grant and will be installed in the near future. The incorrect height of the styles on the blue walk has been reported and hopefully will be rectified in due course.
We are considering options for the maintenance of the closed churchyard which includes the trees, gravestones, grass cutting and the perimeter walls. As a minimum, a Tree survey, produced by an arboreal expert will be procured.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many more people and dog walkers have been using the footpaths and routes between Draycott in the Clay and Hanbury. Unfortunately, this has led to an increase in dog fouling on footpaths, in farmers’ fields, pavements, verges and even in gardens and entrances to local properties. Dog excrement is dangerous to children and animals. We are currently investigating a suitable location for a dog poo bin to replace the one removed from the old post office. In the meantime, please pick up after your dog so that everyone can enjoy the countryside safely. Thank you to all the walkers who have been litter picking around the village.
2020 marked thirty years since the dedication of the Fauld Memorial stone. On Sunday 29th November an intrepid number of parish councillors and parishioners (and pooches) attended a socially distanced service at the Fauld Memorial. The names of those who lost their lives in the explosion were read out and a wreath laid in their memory. Thanks were expressed to Judy Ireland and John Harrison for providing the poppy wreath and words for the service.
Chapel Lane has been resurfaced but still floods near Sycamore Farm where a stream runs in a culvert under the road. This has been reported and investigation by Staffs CC is ongoing.
The meetings in November and December 2020 were held remotely via ‘Zoom’ due to Covid-19 restrictions. These were again well attended by parish councillors and parishioners. One of the topics for discussion was the planning application submitted by the Cock Inn, namely to open a camping and caravanning site on the agricultural land adjacent/behind the pub. The strength of the objections led to the application being ‘Called–in’ for discussion by the full planning committee. This was due to take place at the December 2020 and January 2021 ESBC planning committee meetings but was pulled from both agendas due to illness of the applicant. Anyone wishing to view the details of the Cock Inn planning application number P/2020/00649 can do so on the East Staffordshire Borough Council planning portal. Comments should be made direct to the planning officer, Alan Harvey, e-mail .
Many villagers took part in the bell ringing on their doorsteps at 6pm on Christmas Eve. Thank you to Jude Harrison for sharing the idea originally and for designing and distributing the fliers advertising the event.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday 8th February 2021.
It is hoped that villagers are able to join the ‘Clap for Heroes’ on Thursday evenings at 8pm, weather permitting! Stay safe everyone !
Gillian Cheal
Parish Clerk